A Big Thank You!

To all those who make this wonderful event possible!

A very special Thank You to:

Robert Beech
Sandy Belshause

Chris Bohinsky

Lisa Carmer

Richard Comfort
Jacquelyn & Dennis Darke & Family

Rick Davis & Family
Dave & Marsha Doxey

Paula Doyle

Jason Ervin

Christine & Rick George

Jeff Glatzer

Randy Goddard

Carol Harlow

Yvonne Hillman

Virginia Henry

Paul Jameson

Becky Jurczyzyn
Brian Lashchuk

Mike Locke

Meghann Mouyianis
Karen Murphy

Sean Overton

Brian Pennell

Wendell & Missy Phillips

Heidi Randall

Tim Rehahn

Deanna Roberts

Matt Schultheiss

Joe Sheldon
Bill Steinke

Linda Sutton

Lisa & Steve Toby
Brandon Tucker

Bob Turner
Bob Vailliencourt

Kristin Wal
Jim & Kristen (Henninger) Wieme

Rick Whitlow
Wally Wojociechowski
Toby & Stephaine Wrolson
Brian Taylor (aka KK's Keeper)

And the countless others who keep the show running smoothly

An Extra Special "Thanks" to our Camp Ground Hosts
Carl & Joyce Laming


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