
Please support these companies and people!

For their wonderful generosity, a heartfelt Thank You goes to:

Anderson, Eric & Missy

Anubis Crypt

Apocalyptic Sideshow, The

ATP Photography (Robert Walega)

Belshause, Sandy

Beyond the Grave Productions (Brian Lashchuk)

Bloody Mary (Bobbie Weiner)

Brown, Bonnie

Brutal Rust

Bucky's Boneyard


Chicago Haunt Builders

Creepy Collections

Creepy and Cute Doll (Piper Shano-Smith)

DAFE (Rick Davis)

Dark Imaginings Custom Portraits

Dark Legacy Haunted House

Darksyde Acres (Rob Johnson)

DC Design Studio (Brent Ross)
Defrightful Industries (Dave & Marsha Doxey)

Earth 2 Earth


Don England

Erebus Haunted House

Ervin, Jason

Froggy's Fog
G.A.G. Studios
Ghostly Manor Thrill Center


Grim Stitch Factory

Halloween Street.org

Harvey, Tracy
Haunt 31

Haunt Cast Radio

Haunted Hydro

Haunted Keepsakes (Karen Murphy)

Haunted Props

Horror Find (Mike)

Hot Wire Foam Factory

How to Haunt Your House (Shawn & Lynne Mitchell)

Hush Haunted House

Indiana Haunters

Iron Kindom (Ralph & Melissa)

Jameson, Paul

Kahn, Ralis

Last Ride Limos (Brian Pennell)














Marcolina, Marcell

MAS Contact Lens Store

Midnight Syndicate
Midwest Haunters Convention (Trans World)

Motor City Haunt Club

Murderforge (The)


Night Terrors Haunted House (Wiard's Orchard)

Niles Haunted House

Northern Ohio Home Haunters

Paasche Airbrush

Pennell Family

Phatman Haunts (Austin Denny)

Poor Man Props

Raders Creations (Bill & Amanda Rader)

Ring of Steel

Ringstar Studio

Roma, Luna

Saint Lucifers Scream Park

Scare Products

Scary Scott's Haunted House

ScreamLine Studio

Sheldon, Joe

Sinister Signs

Sinister Visions (Chad Savage)

Skeletons and More

Skeleton Store

Skwarski, Jennifer

Something Wicked Productions

Stiltbeast Studios (Allen Hopps)

Terrorfied Forest (Lisa Wallis)

The Deadland Haunted House

Toby, Steve & Lisa
Totem Pole Campground

TransWorld Show

Trick or Treat Studios

Tucker, Brandon
Unsavory Characters (Robert Beech)

Von Charon (Thomas H. Sowers)

When Hinges Creak

Wolfe Face Art & FX

Wood, Jason

WoodLoom Prop Shop

Wristband Resources

Zagon Studios

Zombie Skin




***and more to be added daily


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Site contents copyright . No part of this site may be reproduced without permission. Site Design by Rick Whitlow